AdWords Editor features I like – #1


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There are couple things I like in Adwords Editor. Comparing to little stupid and slow Microsoft AdCenter tool or ~ no-tool-at-all, I must admit I love it. One of them definitely is selection of duplicate keywords.

When working with accounts I didn’t created, apart from the fact that doing ANYTHING after anyone – specially after someone who has no clue, is pain itself, I have to deal with lots of duplicate keywords.

I start here: Tools > Find duplicate keywords, and – you see all the crap :)

But here it comes – “Select duplicates by”

AdWords Editor - Select duplicate keywords by

Choose metrics, and you got them, bastards.

Well, I could use more metrics to choose from, like maybe most important Conversion # or CPA, but hopefully it’s coming. Anyways, better than nothing. And you’re quickly back on track.

How many duplicates you found the most in one account? Last time I took some campaigns over, I found 14 occurrences of a KW (same match type)!

Please use this tool before you post a campaign, so I don’t have to correct it after you, eventually, one day ;)

Google and it’s solid preference of own search


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It’s not a big deal really, when you offer a service, you make the rules. Take it or leave it. Easy as that.

It’s only that sometimes Google pisses me off with some small detail. (For Google’s sake I must admit it’s not that often as some other tools I have to work with – like Seznam’s – nightmare. From Sklik, I always run back to Google’s AdWords Editor or their web interface like the most scared, but most happy child – when the fight with Sklik’s logic is over. And for those who don’t know Seznam or Sklik: it’s very successful – on the Czech market – advertising platform which, in the near past, had even bigger share than Mr. G)

Anyways, back to the point, there is a (stupid) setting when choosing search network (picture).  I can’t opt-out Google and choose only Google partners!

Never needed before I that, would Yoda say (or something similar). But I do need it! Simple. I see in one of my (day)work campaigns, that Google search partners have better CPA for one of the products I promote. And it’s not 1 or 2 bucks. It’s $96 and $84 (my CPA goal is $85). Considering the total numbers, I was simply convinced that I will get better results when I split the campaign in 2 and start optimize them separately. So I came to this, never needed b4, setting and it’s not possible! Urgh!

I don’t wonder why’s that, there probably is some very sophisticated reason Google wants it this way. Whatever. Even with these little spots, I still like AdWords. And you, Sklik – shame on you!

More than 140 characters


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There are some thoughts I would like to shout to the world. Or maybe at least put them somewhere, where I can easily find them when I feel like it. Well, its nice to shout on Twitter, but sometimes (most of the time in my case) it’s just too short to put it all there.

I found a place here; never was a blogging guy really, but maybe someday, somewhere, someone will find it helpful or interesting.

That’s what I like about internet, you can read all kinds of people from different parts of the world – you just stumble upon them. So it’s my time to put some “content” to this vast ocean of thousands upon thousands of words.